In a move to keep electricity consumers posted about their monthly bills and due date of payment, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) will start sending SMS alerts soon.
A spokesperson of the government owned DHBVN said that contract for this has already been given to a private firm.
The spokesperson said that each SMS will include the information about bill amount and due date of payment. This will be in addition to delivering a hard copy of the bill to consumers.
Consumers would get three SMSs; first to intimate them about the bill amount, second to remind them 48 hours before the due date for payment and the third SMS will be sent after receiving the payment.
In addition to this, DHBVN will provide email bills to those consumers who have registered themselves for the online facility. DHBVN has already provided a facility to its all consumers to lodge billing and metering related complaints on its website
This surely is a good move and will benefit the consumer, and it should be implemented all across the country as soon as possible.
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